Cosmetic Dentistry - Baton Rouge, LA

Elevate Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

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Love Your Reflection with a Rejuvenated Smile

Everyone deserves to look in the mirror and love their smile reflection. But tooth flaws like stains, chips, cracks or gaps are often the first things that stand out when you look in the mirror. Our cosmetic dentists  combine an eye for beautiful aesthetics, extensive training and advanced digital smile design to deliver state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry in Baton Rouge, LA. From resolving multiple tooth flaws with porcelain veneers to removing coffee, wine and tobacco stains with professional teeth whitening, we’re dedicated to taking your teeth to the next level with customized aesthetic dentistry at Pearl Dental Group. A personalized smile makeover is an ideal option for remedying multiple imperfections—even a missing tooth.

If you’re looking for a top-quality cosmetic dentist in Baton Rouge, LA, trust the team who has performed thousands of smile makeovers and who consistently delivers confident, gorgeous smiles for patients.  

cracked tooth

Issues Cosmetic Dentistry Can Correct

Our Select Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Porcelain Veneers in Baton Rouge, LA are a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure for crooked or chipped teeth, damaged or stained enamel and small gaps. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that cover just the front portion of teeth that show when you smile. During the first step, we perform a digital smile design process which involves 3d scanning and imaging to plan your new smile to perfection.  Next, our cosmetic dentist will  remove a small portion of enamel from your teeth to ensure your veneers will fit seamlessly. A digital 3-D scan is made of your teeth and sent electronically to a top aesthetic dental ceramist who will fabricate your custom-made veneers. You’ll wear temporary veneers that mimic your digital smile design until your final veneers return from the lab in 3-4  weeks.   Then we try-in your new veneers and once you are a 110% satisfied with your new look they are permanently cemented to your teeth. With minimal preparation and maintenance, porcelain veneers restore the color, size and shape of teeth for long-lasting beauty.

Crowns are porcelain or ceramic “caps” that completely cover outer tooth enamel in teeth too damaged or decayed to be treated with bonding or composite fillings. Crowns are also needed after a root canal procedure to protect the weakened tooth structure. With dental bridges, adjacent teeth are modified and fitted with crowns to support the false tooth in the center. Bridges effectively restore function and beauty to your smile, while preventing remaining teeth from shifting and altering your bite. Dental bridges can also be attached to dental implants instead of adjacent natural teeth. Pearl Dental Group dentists routinely provide dental crowns and dental bridges for patients in Baton Rouge, LA.  Email or Call our office at (225) 277-3311 if you wish to make an appointment.

Professional teeth whitening in Baton Rouge, LA is a great option for restoring brightness to your smile. Pearl Dental Group provides a number of different teeth whitening options to meet patients’ budget and desired outcome. 

1.  Our Boost in-office power whitening + Custom Trays Package  is the fastest, most effective way to whiten teeth.  It is administered chairside by a dental professional using a 40% hydrogen peroxide gel that is chemically activated to produce excellent results in about an hour.  Package aslo includes customized take home trays and whitening gel.  Cost: $495

2.  Customized take home whitening trays allow the whitening gel to be delivered via custom trays tailored to your smile. Various Opalescence gel concentration allow users to whiten as little as 15 min to overnite.    Equally effective as Boost, this option takes a few weeks to produce optimal results.  Cost: $335

3.  Opalescence Go offers an affordable whitening option which involves prefilled disposable trays that comfortably adapt to your teeth.  This option is more effective than over the counter strips.  Cost: $49/ 4 Pack or $88/10 Pack

Also known as indirect fillings, inlays and onlays are made from a porcelain or composite material and attached to your teeth with special dental adhesive. We offer this option when tooth decay is too extensive for a regular composite filling but isn’t large enough for a crown.

Inlays replace an inside portion of a tooth to prevent further decay, while onlays restore one or more cusps (raised points) on your tooth to strengthen it and/or restore its natural shape. For Porcelain Inlays or Onlays in Baton Rouge, LA contact Pearl Dental Group at (225) 277-3311.  

Bonding is a cost-effective procedure to repair decayed, damaged or discolored teeth using material that resembles your natural tooth color. Unlike veneers that can only be applied to decay-free teeth, bonding can be used instead of fillings for both imperfections and tooth decay. The surface is roughened, the composite is applied onto your tooth surface and then “sculpted” into the right shape. The last step is to cure it with a special high-intensity light.

Your smile is an important part of your overall appearance that can make an impactful first impression. In fact, your smile can positively or negatively influence your personal, social and professional life, as well as your ability to enjoy food. Our team is dedicated to improving the appearance of your smile by using a variety of cosmetic dentistry options that provide the best results. These may include dental veneers, composite bonding, dental implants, crowns and/or teeth whitening.

While a good first impression starts with your smile, crooked teeth impact more than aesthetics. Misaligned teeth make it harder to properly brush and floss, thereby increasing your risk of decay and gum disease. From diagnosing and treating malocclusion (bad bite) to aligning crooked smiles, one of our experienced dentists will customize a solution that efficiently addresses your unique needs and personal preferences. The duration of orthodontic treatment is based on your case, but generally takes between six and 24 months.

If you have crooked teeth but aren’t interested in traditional braces, Invisalign may be the perfect solution! This alternative to metal bracket-and-wire braces uses clear aligners to discreetly straighten crooked teeth. The aligners are made of a comfortable, BPA and latex-free plastic called SmartTrack®. The aligners are worn a minimum of 20 hours a day and changed out about every two weeks to gently move your teeth into the targeted position. In addition to being nearly invisible, clear aligners can be removed for flossing, brushing and eating. 

Pearl Dental Group Dentists are a Premier Provider for Invisalign in Baton Rouge, LA and have helped hundreds of patients achieve a straight and more confident smile through Invisalign.  Email or call us at (225) 277-3311 for a FREE Invisalign smile assessment and consultation.

Patient Before & Afters

Frequently Asked Questions

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of teeth, gums, and the overall smile. It includes various procedures designed to enhance aesthetics.
Cosmetic dentists offer a range of services, including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental bonding, crowns, bridges, orthodontics, and more to enhance the appearance of the smile.

Choosing the right cosmetic dentist for your smile makeover is an important decison.   Pearl Dental Group dentists have decades experience and have performed thousands of smile makeovers.    Through our advanced digital smile design, 3d scanning technology and use of world class dental labs, we are able to deliver stunning smiles that patients absolutely love.  Be sure to check out the hundreds of positive patient reviews and our gallery of before-and-after photos.  Call us today to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your goals and concerns.

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of bleaching agents to lighten the color of teeth. It can be done in-office or with at-home kits provided by the dentist.

Yes, cosmetic dentistry includes orthodontic options such as Invisalign or traditional braces to
improve the alignment of teeth for a straighter smile.  Porcelain veneers and crowns can also straighten crooked teeth and are sometimes referred to as instant orthodontics.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain custom-made to cover the front surfaces of teeth, correcting issues like stains, chips, or misalignments for a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

The results for cosmetic dentistry procedures such as power teeth whitening, cosmetic bonding, and porcelain veneers are immediate. Porcelain veneer patients wear temporaries for approximately four weeks while their permanent teeth are being fabricated but improved results are are instantaneous at the first appointment.  

While the primary focus is on aesthetics, certain cosmetic procedures can also contribute to improved oral health, such as fixing misalignments that may lead to oral health issues.
In most cases, cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance as they are considered elective. However, some restorative treatments may have partial coverage.
The cost varies depending on the type and extent of the procedure. Consultation with a cosmetic dentist is necessary for an accurate cost estimate based on your specific goals and needs.
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of teeth, gums, and the overall smile. It includes various procedures designed to enhance aesthetics.
Cosmetic dentists offer a range of services, including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental bonding, crowns, bridges, orthodontics, and more to enhance the appearance of the smile.

Choosing the right cosmetic dentist for your smile makeover is an important decison.   Pearl Dental Group dentists have decades experience and have performed thousands of smile makeovers.    Through our advanced digital smile design, 3d scanning technology and use of world class dental labs, we are able to deliver stunning smiles that patients absolutely love.  Be sure to check out the hundreds of positive patient reviews and our gallery of before-and-after photos.  Call us today to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your goals and concerns.

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of bleaching agents to lighten the color of teeth. It can be done in-office or with at-home kits provided by the dentist.

Yes, cosmetic dentistry includes orthodontic options such as Invisalign or traditional braces to
improve the alignment of teeth for a straighter smile.  Porcelain veneers and crowns can also straighten crooked teeth and are sometimes referred to as instant orthodontics.

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain custom-made to cover the front surfaces of teeth, correcting issues like stains, chips, or misalignments for a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

The results for cosmetic dentistry procedures are immediate .  Whether doing cosmetic bonding, teeth whitening or porcelain veneers the transformation is  immediate for something your patients will wear temporaries for approximately four weeks while their permanent teeth are being made but results are instantaneous.

While the primary focus is on aesthetics, certain cosmetic procedures can also contribute to improved oral health, such as fixing misalignments that may lead to oral health issues.
In most cases, cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance as they are considered elective. However, some restorative treatments may have partial coverage.

The cost varies depending on the type and extent of the procedure. Cosmetic bonding ranges from $300-$400 per tooth while porcelain crowns and veneers ranges from $1300 to $1500 per tooth.  Pearl Dental Group offers a free consultation to determine exact an cost estimate based on your specific goals and needs

dental patient smiling
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